Few Anger Situations That Can Cause Stress And Anxiety


Not all anger should be considered normal behaviour. Some types of anger cause high levels of stress and anxiety. Sadness, happiness, and anger are core human emotions. Anger is a human response to any threat or harm. It has many forms and levels, depending on the situation, surroundings, and history. Anger can range from mild […]

Different Types of Mental Health Disorders

Different Types of Mental Health Disorders.

According to the World Health Organization, 1 in every 8 people lives with a mental disorder. These disorders cause significant disruptions in his or her thinking, emotional control, and behavior. Given the prevalence of these conditions, it is important to understand the different types of mental disorders affecting people across the globe and the treatments […]

Mental Health Education is the Need of the Hour

mental health education is the need of the hour

It has been found that lockdown has impacted the mental health conditions of people way more than we could have thought of. Moreover, it impacted the little ones’ brains much more, as they did not have much to do or learn and their minds were not trained to tackle such situations. At home, parents tried […]

First Step To Treating Personality Disorder Self-Realization


The word “personality” is derived from the Greek word “persona,” which means a mask used by Greek actors in drama. By using this mask, actors express the role and character they perform in the drama. Personality means the way a person reacts or does anything and his or her way of thinking and feeling in […]

“Say smile, Please” to Your Mental Illness!

say smile please to your mental illness

In the early days, when the trend of photography was new, everyone wanted to look smart and beautiful in those pictures, as it was difficult to get many pictures, and usually, everyone had very few photos clicked. Therefore, to make those photographs special, photographers used to quote a common phrase while clicking the photograph, which […]

Stress Hormones Are as Important as Happy Hormones


If there is a day, there is a night; if there’s life, there’s death; and if there’s winter, there’s summer. Almost everything in the world has its opposite. The same rule applies to hormones. For example, if there are “happy hormones” like serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin, then there is cortisol, which is known as […]

Importance of Serotonin Hormones in Human Body

Serotonin is one of the four happy hormones. It is produced by the intestine and brain; hence, it is a natural chemical. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps send messages between nerve cells. 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) is the scientific term used for serotonin. It is present in the nervous system, intestines, and blood platelets. Serotonin is […]

Can Loneliness Lead To Any Mental Illness?

Can Loneliness Lead To Any Mental Illness

The projected world population as of January 1, 2024 was more than 8 billion (approximately 8,019,876,189). No doubt, the world seems to get smaller with technological innovation. Now, communicating with someone living in another country is so easy, and with social media, connecting with new people is now way too easy. Yet, we have to accept […]

How Does Social Anxiety Affect one’s Brain?

How Does Social Anxiety Affect one’s Brain

Social anxiety is different from being shy; it is a state in which an individual feels nervous when in a group of people or surrounded by a group of people. This is known to be a chronic, and at times very disabling, mental illness that can affect the affected part of the brain as well […]

Smart Phones Are Leading To More Cons than Pros To Mental Health

smart phones are leading to more cons than pros to mental health

As per Wikipedia, “handsets with more advanced computing ability through the use of native software applications are known as smartphones. ”However, the generic idea of a smart phone is one device that has the capability to perform the functions of many devices or one device with the ability to replace multiple devices by making your […]