Alcohol addiction has become one of the most common disorders among people today. There are numerous biological, psychological, and environmental factors that happen to contribute together to this trouble of an individual. Well, it is still good news if you or someone you know who has been addicted to alcohol is trying to recover and trying to come back to the normal path of life. This is where an alcohol de-addiction center can play a huge role in fostering the good habits in the person and helping the individual to overcome the ailment.
Knowing the Causes of Alcohol Addiction:
Biological Contributors:
A person with a family history of alcohol addiction is more likely to have this inherited right from his or her ancestors in the genes.
Alcohol has a connection with our brain. It even tends to affect the neurotransmitters known as dopamine. Also, a continuous consumption of alcohol over a span of time is more likely to increase your dependency on that substance abuse.
People with anxiety, stress, or depression are mostly seen to consume alcohol. As a result, they tend to develop an addiction towards it.
Social and Environmental Contributors:
An individual with a social or peer circle influenced towards heavy drinking is commonly seen to develop this habit.
Someone who has grown up seeing his or her family members drink alcohol will eventually be influenced in the same way.
Cultural norms or societal influence of alcohol will consequently influence an individual to develop the same kind of habit.
Psychological Contributors:
Too often, people suffering from chronic stress or trauma seem to consume alcohol to cope with the situation.
People who are usually very impulsive or have a tendency of seeking attention from others would consume alcohol and won’t be able to get over it.
People with a low self-esteem will commonly grow this drinking habit in them to get rid of their fear of being haunted or drive away the negative feelings that they would otherwise have within them.
What are the potential risks of alcohol addiction?
AUD, commonly known as alcohol use disorder, is basically a complication wherein a person develops a habit of alcohol consumption in such a way that refraining himself or herself from that substance abuse becomes a hardship to deal with! Well, the alcohol addiction treatment providers can, however, assist you in combating such issues and help you in getting back an overall well-being.
Risks to Your Physical Health:
Excessive alcohol consumption may lead to various liver disorders that include liver cirrhosis, fatty liver, or alcohol hepatitis. An addiction to alcohol and drugs can impact your health tremendously, causing partial or permanent damage to your internal organs too.
Some of the common alcohol addiction symptoms include high blood pressure or hypertension, as well as other cardiovascular issues, alongside a higher chance of getting a stroke.
Issues related to your digestive system are quite common if you keep consuming alcohol over a prolonged period of time.
Alcohol addiction may lead to brain damage, thereby affecting your memory or motor functions. It may even lead to brain shrinkage in severe cases.
Frequent consumption of alcohol will serve as a carcinogen to your body, thereby leading you to breast cancer, colorectal cancer, liver, mouth, and throat cancer.
Last but not least, alcohol makes your immune system weaker. Therefore, you will be more vulnerable to diseases like tuberculosis and pneumonia.
Risks to Your Mental Health:
Alcohol has got the capability to worsen your mood and can impact your stress coping mechanism on a serious note. It will also cause a decline in your decision-making skills, learning ability, and potential to remember something. It may also give you suicidal tendencies as well as instill several psychiatric disorders within you, such as delusions, hallucinations, and more.
Is recovery from alcohol addiction possible?
Yes, absolutely! It is possible. Only when you have a strong determination to do it will you surely be able to achieve all the success. An alcohol addiction therapy does not include your habit of restricting yourself from alcohol consumption, but at the same time, it assists you to deal with all the parameters of ultimately leading a healthy and fulfilling life in all terms. A luxury alcohol addiction treatment center in Delhi gives you the best assistance in healing yourself physically, emotionally, and socially.
- Lifelong process: Know that this is going to be a lifelong process, and the change won’t be happening overnight. As a result, you will have to acknowledge the fact and start working towards the ray of hope all over again. It is only when you have recognized the issue within you and are willing to take action to resolve it that you will be able to notice changes in you.
- Detoxification: Once you have submitted your commitment, it is time for you to understand that anxiety, stress, and depression are going to come along your way while you start exhibiting your withdrawal symptoms.
- Rehabilitation: Both inpatient and outpatient rehab programs are structured based on the root cause of one’s addiction, which will eventually help you to address the complexities and thus, allow you to start living a normal life all over again.
- Therapies: From medically assisted programs to cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing, a luxury alcohol addiction treatment center will study your case in person and start offering the treatment accordingly.
Countless cases of recovery from alcohol addiction are reported every year. It is a resemblance of the fact that one can easily achieve this goal through a long-term self-commitment, a proper treatment program, and, of course, a continuous support system around. A luxury alcohol de-addiction center is definitely a boon to all those fellow individuals who had once sought a helping hand and are now living a healthy and happy life, leaving behind all the instances that have pulled them back.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
What are the various kinds of withdrawal symptoms of alcohol addiction?
Anxiety, tremors, seizures, nausea, and vomiting are some of the common symptoms of alcohol addiction.
What makes Delhi one of the best places to treat alcohol addiction?
The alcohol addiction treatment center in Delhi stands as a testament to true spirit. Thousand cases are reported every month, and the best part of this treatment center is that they don’t just prioritize recruiting qualified staff; they also focus on building a customized program specified according to the needs of an individual.
Is medication effective in alcohol addiction?
Recovery from addiction involves quite a number of steps put together. While detoxification is a part of the process, you have to undergo a rehab program, counseling, and therapy to overcome the addiction. Also, medicines like disulfiram and naltrexone can assist one to block the effects of that substance on our brain.
How does our society contribute to preventing alcohol addiction?
Our society plays a pivotal role in preventing the people from alcohol addiction through educating them about the potential risks of consuming it, right from an early stage. Also, making the young minds aware of the side effects of alcohol consumption will make them aware of not supporting its intake. Of course, the availability of alcohol and advertising it has also got a bigger role to play in it.
What is the cure rate of alcohol addicts post-treatment in Delhi?
Alcohol addiction treatment in Delhi is definitely one of the most renowned centers in the country with a success rate as high as 85%.